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Featured Reports

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Business of Care: Strengthening Family Child Care as a Path to Wealth Building

FCC owners serve some of the highest-need children in the Commonwealth, yet the owners who run these programs often take home some of the lowest wages among educators.

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Boys & Men In Greater Boston: Challenges in Education, Employment and Health

In many areas, boys and men—especially those from lower-income and Black and Latino communities—face significant challenges.

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Boys and Men Cropped Image

Transit-Supportive Density in Greater Boston

Produced in partnership with TransitMatters, this report explores the positive relationship between housing density and transit service, and the places in Greater Boston that present the best opportunities for growth.

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Transit Supportive Density cover element

New from Indicators

Small Rooms, Big Impact: Could SROs Help Fix Boston's Housing Crisis?

Single-Room Occupancy (SRO) housing once provided critical affordable housing for low-income and transient residents, and could do so again.

A Crisis of Trust in Federal Data

Research like ours relies on non-partisan, transparent data collection and dissemination. These values are currently under threat.

Homelessness in Greater Boston: An Update

New data show a marked increase in homelessness in Greater Boston during 2023, but resilience in the state's taxed emergency shelter system

When the Data Flip: Male Suicide in Massachusetts

Startling data shared last spring on the percentage of young women considering suicide in Massachusetts didn't address another sobering statistic - men are far more likely to die of suicide.

Is new housing a school budget buster?

Concerns about rising school costs loom large over MBTA Communities planning debates. But what does the research say?